Auto Insurance in Maryland

Central Insurance Quote provides the cheapest full coverage auto insurance in Maryland. Compare the best car insurance quotes in MD from leading providers, including Insurance Baltimore, Insurance Kentucky, Insurance Oregon, and other top companies.

Auto insurance quotes in Maryland

The average car insurance rate in Maryland is $1,213 for a six-month policy, which is about 11% higher than the national average. Central Insurance Quote provides some of the most budget-friendly full coverage options for Maryland drivers aiming to cut costs.

Car insurance rates are influenced by more than just your location. Factors such as your age and driving record significantly impact your premium. According to our data, 40% of Maryland drivers believe they are overpaying for car insurance. The best way to find savings is to compare quotes from various companies, and we're here to assist you in that process !

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Cheapest full coverage in MD

Insurance Maryland

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Best car insurance in MD — Overall

Insurance Baltimore

Cheapest liability coverage in MD

Cheap Auto Insurance in Maryland: Your Guide to Full Coverage

In 2024, cheap auto insurance in Maryland can still provide full coverage at competitive rates. According to Insurance Maryland data, full coverage insurance costs $1,213 for a six-month policy. This type of insurance, which typically includes both collision and comprehensive protection, is preferred by 57% of our Maryland clients. If you’re searching for cheap auto insurance in Maryland, Central Insurance Quote stands out as a top option. While cheap auto insurance Maryland seekers may also consider Insurance Maryland, it's important to note that Insurance Baltimore is exclusively available to military members and their immediate families.

Auto Insurance Rates by Insurance Company in Maryland
Company Avg. Monthly Premium Avg. 6 Mo. Premium
Central Insurance Quote $127 $763
Insurance Maryland $156 $934
Insurance Baltimore $159 $952
Insurance Kentucky $176 $1,054
Insurance Oregon $198 $1,185
Erie $199 $1,196
State Farm $206 $1,233
Allstate $305 $1,832

Insurance Maryland Tip: Explore these discounts to save on car insurance:

Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes in Maryland by ZIP

Below, you can get personalized cheap auto insurance quotes for your specific location in Maryland.

What are the best car insurance companies in Maryland?

We have recognized Central Insurance Quote as the top insurance company in Maryland, based on third-party ratings (including JD Power), customer reviews, and the range of coverage and discounts available.

Best Overall Insurance Company in Maryland — Central Insurance Quote

Central Insurance Quote provides the most competitive rates among major insurers in Maryland and is renowned for its excellent customer service.


  • Cheaper than competitors
  • Multiple discounts available
  • Variety of insurance products and services
  • Available throughout the country


  • Below-average claims satisfaction rating
  • Higher than average number of customer complaints

Best car insurance in Maryland — honorable mentions

Although Central Insurance Quote led the rankings overall, the following companies also offer significant benefits to customers in Maryland. We based this list on ratings from the JD Power auto insurance survey and the Insurance Maryland Customer Satisfaction Survey, which gathered feedback from 2,722 drivers to identify which companies are delivering the highest customer satisfaction.

Best Car Insurance Companies in Maryland
Company Avg. Monthly Premium Avg. 6 Mo. Premium
Central Insurance Quote $156 $934
Insurance Maryland $159 $952
Insurance Baltimore $199 $1,196

Cheap liability insurance in Maryland

In Maryland, drivers are required to have liability, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, and personal injury protection (PIP) at specified minimum levels. According to our data, 43% of drivers opt for minimum coverage.

The minimum liability limits are 30/60/15, which translates to $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident for bodily injury, plus $15,000 for property damage per accident. Uninsured motorist coverage must match these limits, and the minimum PIP coverage is $2,500 per person. For more details on car insurance requirements in Maryland, check out our comprehensive guide.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Companies in Maryland for Minimum Coverage
Company Avg. Monthly Premium Avg. 6 Mo. Premium
Central Insurance Quote $63 $378
Insurance Maryland $65 $389
Insurance Baltimore $66 $395
Insurance Kentucky $93 $560
Insurance Oregon $98 $586
Erie $98 $591
State Farm $99 $595
Allstate $160 $960

Liability coverage helps you meet state minimum requirements affordably, but there are a few factors to consider before making it your sole car insurance option. Liability insurance covers damages to other people and their vehicles if you’re responsible for an accident but does not cover your own vehicle. If you own a relatively expensive car, relying solely on liability insurance may not be ideal. A general guideline is to consider collision and comprehensive coverage if your car is worth more than $4,000; otherwise, you might manage with just liability coverage.

Cheapest Liability & Full Coverage Quotes in Maryland
Company Liability Coverage Full Coverage
Central Insurance Quote $378 $952
Insurance Maryland $389 $934
Insurance Baltimore $395 $763
Insurance Kentucky $560 $1,185
Insurance Oregon $586 $1,196
Erie $591 $1,233
State Farm $595 $1,054
Allstate $960 $1,832

Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes in Maryland by ZIP

Below, you can get personalized cheap auto insurance quotes for your specific location in Maryland.

Car insurance price trends in Maryland

In Maryland, the average annual auto insurance cost has risen by more than $700 over the past year, with drivers now paying an average of $2,129 annually.

Recent trends show a rise in car insurance costs across Maryland and much of the U.S., with the most significant increase occurring in the last year. The insurance market has seen fluctuating rates in recent years, so if your premiums have seemed inconsistent, you're not alone.

Maryland Car Insurance Trends
Year Avg. Annual Premium Yearly Change
2024 $2,129 $732
2023 $1,397 -$617
2022 $2,017 $702
2021 $1,305 -$131
2020 $1,498 $24
2019 $1,412 $67
2018 $1,345 $451
2017 $1,796 $234
2016 $1,562 -$323
2015 $1,885 $216

Car insurance in popular Maryland cities

Car insurance companies determine your rate based on various factors, including the location of your vehicle. Unsurprisingly, Baltimore, being a major city, has the highest insurance rates.

The table below outlines the average car insurance costs for several of Maryland’s largest cities.

Rates by Major City in Maryland
City Avg. 6 Mo. Premium Avg. Monthly Premium
Germantown $1,172 $195
Columbia $1,180 $197
Silver Spring $1,308 $218
Waldorf $1,308 $218
Baltimore $1,823 $304

Cheap auto insurance for teens and young drivers in Maryland

Teen drivers aged 16 to 19 encounter the highest car insurance rates in the U.S. Due to their lack of experience, insurance costs for teens are more than three times the national average. In Maryland, teens in this age group pay $6,565 annually, which is $1,225 above the national average and 171% higher than the cost for a 30-year-old driver in the state.

Company Avg. 6 Mo. Premium Avg. Monthly Premium
Central Insurance Quote $2,180 $363
Insurance Maryland $2,874 $479
Insurance Baltimore $2,882 $480
Insurance Kentucky $3,554 $592
Insurance Oregon $4,143 $691
State Farm $4,944 $824
Allstate $7,509 $1,251
Teen Car Insurance Rates in MD by Age
Age Avg. 6 Mo. Premium Avg. Monthly Premium
16 $4,582 $764
17 $4,026 $671
18 $3,631 $605
19 $2,900 $483
Insurance Maryland Tip: Here are three ways young drivers can cut their car insurance costs:
  1. Complete a Defensive Driving Course: Enrol in an approved course to earn discounts and improve your driving skills.
  2. Opt for a Less Expensive Car: Choose a vehicle with good safety ratings and low repair costs instead of high-performance models.
  3. Remain on a Parent’s Policy: Stay on your parent's insurance plan to save money and benefit from their established insurance history.

Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes in Maryland by ZIP

Below, you can get personalized cheap auto insurance quotes for your specific location in Maryland.

Maryland auto insurance quotes after an accident or ticket

When it comes to auto insurance quotes Maryland, a poor driving record can drastically affect your premiums. If you've been involved in an accident or received a ticket, expect your Maryland auto insurance quotes to reflect these incidents. Depending on the type of violation, such as a DUI or speeding ticket, your auto insurance quotes Maryland could see a significant increase. Insurance companies in Maryland assess risk differently, so after an accident or ticket, comparing car insurance quotes Maryland becomes even more crucial to find the best rates despite your record.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Companies for At-Fault Accidents in Maryland
Company Avg. 6 Mo. Premium Avg. Monthly Premium
Central Insurance Quote $1,034 $172
Insurance Maryland $1,321 $220
Insurance Baltimore $1,475 $246
Insurance Kentucky $1,737 $289
Insurance Oregon $1,843 $307
State Farm $1,911 $319
Allstate $3,308 $551

Auto Insurance Rates by Violation in Maryland

Accident/Violation Avg. Annual Premium $ Rate Increase
None $2,425 $0
One Med/PIP claim $2,506 $81
Not-at-fault accident $2,601 $175
One comp claim $2,613 $188
Two Med/PIP claims $2,668 $242
Failure to wear a seat belt $2,743 $318
Failure to show documents $2,821 $395
Two comp claims $2,842 $417
Child safety restraint $2,847 $421
Driving with expired registration $2,919 $494
Speeding 6 - 10 MPH over limit $2,946 $520
Speeding 11 - 15 MPH over limit $2,947 $521
Speeding 16 - 20 MPH over limit $2,947 $521
Driving too slowly $2,948 $522
Cell phone violation $2,948 $522
Texting while driving $2,948 $522
Following too closely $2,955 $530
Wrong way/wrong lane $2,955 $530
Failure to yield $2,955 $530
Failure to stop at a red light $2,955 $530
Improper passing $2,957 $531
Illegal turn $2,957 $531
Speeding in school zone $2,983 $558
At-fault accident - less than $1000 $3,044 $619
Passing school bus $3,064 $638
Driving without lights $3,066 $640
Open container $3,080 $654
Operating a vehicle without permission $3,120 $695
Speeding 21 - 25 MPH over limit $3,224 $799
In 65 MPH zone $3,531 $1,106
At-fault accident - $1000-$2000 $3,637 $1,212
At-fault accident - greater than $2000 $3,637 $1,212
Reckless driving $4,149 $1,724
Racing $4,459 $2,034
Driving with a suspended license $4,532 $2,107
Refusal to submit to a chemical test $4,685 $2,260
DUI $4,698 $2,272
Leaving scene of an accident/hit and run $4,741 $2,316

The Insurance Maryland Guide to Car Insurance Laws for High-Risk Drivers

Certain violations and tickets can impact your insurance not only through higher costs but also through other factors. Below, we detail the effects of DUI violations and SR-22 requirements in Maryland.

Maryland DUI Laws

In Maryland, a DUI offence can increase your annual car insurance premium by an average of $2,272. Securing affordable auto insurance after a DUI can be challenging, as it typically results in a more significant rate increase than other violations, such as at-fault accidents, racing, or reckless driving.

There is no specific insurer that offers cheap DUI auto insurance. To find savings after a DUI citation, it’s advisable to compare quotes from various providers.

Auto Insurance Rates by Companies in Maryland for DUIs
Company Avg. Annual Premium
Central Insurance Quote $2,086
Insurance Maryland $2,268
Insurance Baltimore $3,392
Insurance Kentucky $3,822
Insurance Oregon $4,918
State Farm $5,011
Allstate $5,907

Maryland SR-22 insurance

If you are convicted of a DUI or DWI in Maryland, it's crucial to evaluate all your insurance options carefully. Auto insurance premiums following a DUI can vary widely between insurers. For instance, Central Insurance Quote offers the lowest rates for DUI coverage in Maryland, with premiums 17% below the statewide average.

The second most affordable option is Insurance Baltimore, while State Farm is the most expensive, with rates 110% above the average.

Maryland Car Insurance - FAQs

Central Insurance Quote provides Maryland drivers with the most affordable auto insurance, with an average premium of $763 for a six-month policy, which breaks down to $127 per month. You can use our comparison tool to get quotes from various insurance companies in Maryland.

According to our data, the average car insurance policy in Maryland costs $1,213 for a six-month period, or roughly $202 per month.

Car insurance in Maryland is about 11% more expensive than the national average. This is due to the state's large population, the number of uninsured drivers, and the financial losses insurers face from claims.

Maryland is an at-fault state, meaning the driver responsible for an accident must cover the damages. Victims also have the right to file a lawsuit. However, Maryland requires personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which is more common in no-fault states. PIP claims tend to be processed faster since they don't require determining fault.